With a unicorn-like horn, awkwardly large feet, and an echoing cry, the horned screamer is unlike any other bird. It can be spotted near the wetlands of South America, living in small communities of its own species. The large, forward curving horn is not a threat and is thought to have an ornamental purpose. However, if you look close, this bird possesses another seriously dangerous weapon…
Physical Features
The horned screamer gets quite large, comparable to the size of a turkey. It has a white underbelly with black and dark
grey feathers covering the rest of its body. Its feet are partially webbed, making it a great swimmer. With its
chickenlike beak and ringed neck, people often mistake the horned screamer for a game bird. This is not the case,
though; this bird’s closest relative is the goose.
What makes this bird so unique is its bones; it’s the most pneumatic skeletal system known. This means its bones contain
a bunch of air sacs. In fact, its toe bones are completely hollow. Even its skin contains tons of these little air
sacks. Due to this, you can often hear a crackling sound when the bird moves around — similar to someone cracking their
These birds don’t hatch with a horn but will eventually grow one that can get up to 6” in length. They’re the only bird
with this trait. The horn is made up of cartilage and loosely attached, so it’s not uncommon for it to fall off and grow
back again. Because of its weak build, it doesn’t make for a good weapon; instead, the bird wears this simply for style.
Question: What is another name for the horned screamer?
(Answer at the bottom!)
A. Horned swimmer
B. Spiked screamer
C. Horned banger
D. Pointed wailer
It’s also only one of two birds that lack uncinate processes (prongs on its ribs). Traditionally, prongs are present on
birds’ ribs to strengthen them by creating an additional layer that overlaps each rib.
The bird comes equipped with sharp, pointed bone spurs protruding from their wings. They use these for fighting, which
can get pretty intense. Fragments of these bones have been found broken off and lodged deep into the bird’s rival.
That’s one mean screamer!

Habitat & Diet
Horned screamers are a type of waterfowl. They can be seen near riverbanks, tropical wet savannahs, and vegetated
marshes. Countries with this bird reach from Columbia and Ecuador down to southern Brazil. They’re not migratory birds;
they rarely fly, occupying one location in groups of 10-15.
There’s no mystery in why the horned screamer spends so much time by the water. It’s an herbivore that enjoys eating
both hydrophytes (plants living in water) and macrophytes (plants living around water). This includes grasses, vines,
leaves, roots, and flowers.
Behavior and Lifespan
We’ve discussed its outlandish horn, which gives the horned screamer part of its name. Now, let’s get into the
“screamer” part. This bird is loud! Much like its goose relative, you can hear a distinct screech from this bird from
great distances away. The sound of the call is described as “mo-coo-ca”, which lends to indigenous peoples’ name for
this bird, mahooka.
Finding a mate can be a long process, but when they find the right partner, it can last a lifetime. The males display
courtship by walking around the female and bowing their heads politely. Feathers and wings are partially erect. This
display is known as social preening.
Nests are built upon floating vegetation, usually consisting of about 3-5 greenish-brown colored eggs. The female
usually incubates during the day, while the male incubates at night. When the hatchlings are born, they can run
immediately. Horned screamers typically live up to 10-15 years of age. This bird is not necessarily scarce but is
considered near threatened due to a loss of habitat in the northern tip of South America.
Answer: The horned screamer is also known as…
C. Horned banger