Naturalists | 11.20.24
Leigh Ellexson
Nocs Naturalists

Introduce yourself and how you’ve been spending your time these days!?
My name is Leigh Ellexson, I am an artist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lately I have been taking advantage of the beautiful fall weather by taking walks in my neighborhood and hiking. I am lucky enough to have a job that can work around the weather so I can take full advantage of it when it's nice out!

We’re so excited to get the chance to have Nocs in your sketchbook, when did your artist journey begin?
I began doing art for a living in 2015. My business started with me taking pet portrait commissions and is now based completely off of my own artwork and online content! It has been really wild to experience so much artistic growth publicly… for almost ten years now. Crazy!

Obviously nature is a big source of inspo for you - could you tell us more about how the outdoors and wildlife plays a part in your process?
I spend a lot of time outside with my friends. It is where I prefer to take any “off time” I have from work. I associate the outdoors with joy, relaxation, friendship and curiosity. I think all of these things play into my work! I also love to take my own reference photos when I am out and about in nature which is a really straight forward part of my inspiration process!
Speaking of process… What’s your day to day look like being an artist? When do you find you find the most flow for your art?
The start of my days all look pretty similar! I start my morning with a walk with my dog, Toadie, and breakfast. Matcha is essential. (after this my days do vary) Sometimes I will walk to my studio and do a few hours of work. Which may include video editing, sketchbooking, content creating, and other assorted tasks. I work the best in the morning so I try to get most of my work done then! Somedays I go to the gym or do chores instead of work. I usually will find time to walk 3-5 times a day. I’m kind of addicted to walking.

Any advice for those looking into establishing a creative process?
Assess when you are most creatively inspired (mine is morning time) and take advantage of that if you are able! Try not to spend a bunch of time decision making. I find it best just to start something and work through it. I see a lot of people stuck in decision limbo of what to draw, how to draw it, when to draw it… the best thing to do is just start. Starting is the hardest part.
A book, podcast, person that shaped your life?
Is it dumb to give my friends the credit? My friends are amazing and take me to so many outdoor experiences I would never plan to go to myself. I am really lucky to have access to amazing people who will plan and accompany me to so many beautiful places!

We’re stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
I love to look at animals through my Nocs! Taking photos through them for reference is my favorite thing ever. The photo taking feature is probably going to be the most handy thing for my craft!
Anything on your calendar that you’re looking forward to? We’d love to stay in touch! Where can we find you these upcoming months?
My friend Jess and I have been toying with the idea of a cross country road trip in the near future. Which is a little wild and crazy of us. I frequent the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I am excited to visit there a few times before the end of the year!