| 10.11.24
Julianna Laine
Nocs Naturalist

Introduce yourself and how and where have you been spending your time these days?
My name is Julianna. I am a singer-songwriter, surfer, model and a creative that wears many hats - my days tend to look different depending on what project I am working on. Regardless of what I am working on, each day I try to make sure my day has movement and time in nature - whether that’s going for a surf, a run or posting up at the beach. I have a daily practice of journaling and I make sure my day either starts or ends with writing.

You seem like you are up to something epic whether you’re camping, writing or out on the road. What has been some of your lessons lately that come with this natural flow of life?
Life has been so fun lately! The summer in BC is full of adventures with very special friends - there is nothing like it. Lately, I’ve been learning to trust in the ebbs and flows of life. Being freelance and self employed, I find that I go through seasons that are VERY busy, and then seasons that are very slow. I feel very fulfilled when I am busy, working on new projects, meeting new people or being fully immersed in creating. The “slow” time between projects can be difficult for me, but I am learning how to learn to be okay with slowing down a little bit. Bird watching has helped with this haha. This summer, I have been learning to put trust in the process and spend these sunny days with activities and people that make me happy. The other day my friend told me “the things that are meant for you will not pass you by” and that really resonated with me. :)

You are a talented musician! How do you find that music and nature overlap?
For me, nature and music are completely intertwined. I feel strange and out of touch when everything around me is man-made, like concrete buildings and city chaos. Nature is such an important part of my life, and I often find that my best ideas and thoughts come to me when I am alone in nature. My collaborator and I have actually started writing our music outside, in the forest or at a little cabin in the canyon. The best ideas come when I am able to quiet my mind and be in touch with the energy of the environment.

You are based in such a beautiful piece of the world. What’s your go-to activity to find peace in nature?
Surfing surfing surfing!!!
How has your relationship to the outdoors changed over the years?
I have always felt most at home in the outdoors but as I have gotten older, I have become more aware of all the little creatures that also share this world with us. Bird watching is really cool because it makes you tune into the environment and pay attention to what you hear and see. Surfing makes you really tune into your environment, as well. I think overall, I just feel more strongly that nature is so important for humans to feel connected with the world we live in. i think if we are more aware of how connected we are, the better we will treat this planet.
We’re stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
This summer they have been with me on every adventure! Scouting waves, looking at birds, looking at the full moon! The amount of times my friends and family have heard me say “I wish I had my Nocs” is annoying and now I just keep them with me at all times haha.

If you could describe yourself as any creature or animal, what would it be?
A dolphin :)
Anything on your calendar that you’re looking forward to? We’d love to stay in touch! Where can we find you these upcoming months?
I am planning to spend the rest of the summer enjoying Vancouver Island and then possibly back to California in the fall to work on music. Mark your calendars for Sept 6th, which is when my new song Storyteller comes out!!!