Naturalists | 08.05.24
Chelsea Connor
Nocs Naturalist

Introduce yourself! What’s got you feeling excited lately?
I’m Chelsea Connor, multi hyphenate biologist, artist, avid bird fan and one of the Black Birder’s Week cofounders! I’m from the Commonwealth of Dominica which has the best birds in the world. Recently, I’ve been observing diving birds at my patch and I’m obsessed with them a little bit. I’m always so excited to go watch them twice a month.

We’re curious, how did your birding journey begin?
The way many people get hooked. A feeder. My grandmother had a “dish” made of foil that she would use to put out sugar for these little passerine birds we get back home called Bananaquits. They love sugar. And I loved watching them eat it. The more I would watch them the more I fell in love and looked at the other birds around. My mom bought me a bird guide for our island and I memorized it.
Tell us more about the community and group you helped found- Black Birders Week. What was the inspiration behind creating this group? What do you gain out of a week/ group like this one?
I think the inspiration was more than just an event in Central Park. I think it was a culmination of all the stories we had shared with each other about our worries and fears being outdoors or in groups with people that hate us for our skin. As well as that joy we all felt when we did things we loved, and wanting to make a community and moment where we can foster that and make sure that everywhere and every hobby feels safe for everyone.

It also seems like you’re an artist and this overlays with your love of nature and getting outdoors. Can you tell us a little about this?
I didn’t always like drawing nature. I started with anime! And I still do draw that, but I’ve leaned more into getting outside and drawing from nature. There’s so many interesting shapes and lines in nature, as well as unique points of view. Trying to capture that and show people what I see and how I interpret the things I’m looking at has become one of my favorite hobbies. Often animals remind me of food and I end up drawing a lot of that. I’ve been trying to figure out where to go with my work, but I’m gonna test out some stickers and drawings at the Birdathon Celebration this May!
We’re stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
I’m part of the Birding for Everyone Fellowship with the Golden Gate Audubon and it has been incredible to get to go to all these wonderful birding spots that I probably wouldn’t have on my own. That also means that I’m reaching for my Nocs really often! Some of my favorite birds either spend time way out at sea or gliding several feet overhead, having the clarity and quality that Nocs provides makes it way easier to see and identify them. The Brandt’s Cormorants at my habitat patch have gotten their breeding blue in, and they all preen on the furthest rocks from the shore. But now I can see them! (I also get a lot of compliments on them!)

If you could describe yourself as any creature or animal, what would it be?
That’s a tough choice. For animals I’d have to say anole, they’re my favorite group of lizards and I would love to have a dewlap to wave at people when I’m angry. Or a Smooth-billed Ani, they’re these really beautiful tropical birds with shiny black feathers and big personalities. They’re always in flocks and build communal nests and raise their babies together, but they aren’t great fliers. You win some, you lose some haha. Alternatively, for creatures, I would pick Mothman.

Anything on your calendar that you’re looking forward to? We’d love to stay in touch! Where can we find you these upcoming months?
I think I might be birding in the Sierra Nevadas in June! Finishing my Master’s thesis for the fall. And definitely continuing to go to the beach just to stare at cormorants! They’re built so weirdly, I love them. I’ve been taking pictures with a real camera, not just my Nocs and recording funny birding videos with friends, so if you follow me you can check those out!