Naturalists | 04.15.24
Caziah Franklin
Embracing Outdoor Adventure & Storytelling

My name is Caziah Rashad Franklin, and I am an adventurer, photojournalist, writer, producer, and storyteller whose work highlights the necessity of diversity and inclusivity in the outdoor and creative space, advocating for their presence.
We’re curious, how did you get into being an outdoor explorer and storyteller? It seems like that would take a lot of courage to take the leap. When was the moment you decided to go for it? Or the journey that got you there?
Since I was a little boy, I vividly remember being fascinated with the outdoors; climbing trees, catching crickets and roly polys in the backyard, and riding my bike as far as my parents would let me. I didn’t watch much TV growing up, but when my parents allowed me to start using the internet, I found myself diving into a wormhole of camping, climbing, and overlanding videos on youtube. However, I did not see anyone in these videos that looked like me; leading me to believe the false narrative that this outdoor space wasn’t for me…
I began to attend a summer camp in Texas, in which for many years I was the only male camper of color. The camp had a plethora of camp challenges: canoeing, climbing, ziplining, it was my first real experience with outdoor recreation. I remember the painful feeling of being overlooked, as none of my peers wanted me a part of any of their activity groups. However, everything changed when I won the climbing competition, and I learned first hand the unfortunate correlation between acceptance, and performance.
This pivotal moment within my life, alongside my passions for racial reconciliation and adventure, established in me my “why”,
To cultivate the true narrative that the outdoor space is for all to experience, despite demographic, skill level, or lack of experience.

Do you have any advice for those who are looking to get started in this world? Producing, adventuring and trying something new?
The best advice I could possibly give for anyone wanting to step into producing, adventuring and storytelling, is to constantly walk with a mission, and a pace that does not rival or compete with others. The goal of storytelling is to highlight and champion [other’s] stories and ideas, and it is extremely hard to do so if we are over infatuated within the limelight of ourselves.
I would also both challenge and encourage [you] to sharpen and pursue all of your passions and interests, not just what is comfortable to you, or certain giftings that may come with more ease than others. Doing so will make you not only more adaptable and malleable, but will also aid [you] in being a better troubleshooter, creator/collaborator, and risk taker,
I’m blown away by your stories and videos you’ve directed and shared. Tell us about your thought process behind your work.
With every production, project, and campaign I aid in with creative direction, I genuinely strive to lead with authenticity, vulnerability, and relatability.
I did not attend school for film or directing; I am actually finishing my undergrad online through Full Sail University with a BA in audio technology and sound design. All that to say, there is still very little that I understand within the intricacies of production. But that all comes to show that a good story or idea comes from authenticity, heart, discernment, and keeping an open mind. I have learned that a true creative ensures that he constantly remains a student of life, and never a master of it.

It also seems like music plays a big part in your life. Is there a crossover between music and getting outside for you
I have recently experienced the marriage between my passions for music and the outdoors within the past couple of years. As my love for the outdoors truly began to grow, I convinced myself that both passions couldn’t coexist since they reside within two completely different spheres. But as I continued to pursue both of my passions, they began to waltz within one another, and unlocked a whole new chamber or artistry. Residing in the outdoors began to develop new sounds and textures within me that I never could have dreamed of on my own, and my original love for music made me become more transfixed on the natural sounds of nature within diverse environments. Through the pursuit of both of my passions, I have come to find that I am absolutely blown away by that multitude of natural and synthetic sounds that occur within our day-to-day lives.
We’re curious how your upbringing and childhood has shaped the man you are today.
I'd like to say that my childhood was simply complex in the best ways possible. I have naturally been a relatively reserved kid with a diverse set of interests, but I was also (and still remain) extremely curious and observant, and also quite literal; taking to heart every word that I said and every word spoken to me. I strongly desired wisdom and was attracted to those that possessed it, and I was very much the kind of kid that enjoyed working in groups, but would not hesitate to work by myself if I had the option or choice to. I think that that is what led to me now, being okay with being alone in the outdoors. But I am also having to learn now the beauty of sharing experiences with those that you love most.
I think it’s safe to say that I have done a lot of learning and relearning the past couple of years, haha!

How are you spending your time outside of work lately? What are some thoughts and ideas that have been occupying your mind?
I recently started reading again. I have always been somewhat of a reader; I just always have to find the right book for me that pairs with the season or headspace I might find myself in. My favorite book of all time is East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. The hard part about life right now, that is also a tremendous blessing, is that a lot of what I do outside of work, has transitioned into work. This has really pushed me to ensure that I am doing things for myself every once in a while. Whether it be going on adventures with no agenda besides being where my feet are, or spending time with my gorgeous girlfriend; soon to be fiance. Right now my day-to-day outside of my freelance work looks like working part-time as a climbing and marketing specialist at a local outfitter here in TN, going to my local crags or climbing gym, and finishing my bachelors degree online (I graduate this may of 2024)!
We’re stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
I am so stoked that Nocs exist. I see myself gravitating towards them on the days in which I actually might want to just leave my camera at home, and just enjoy the beauty of nature for beauty's sake. I have also found myself in many scenarios in which my camera lens doesn't have the desired focal length to get as close to a view of life as I'd like. And there is just something so genuine, pure, and beautiful about an analog method of observation that has been tried and true for generations to come. And I cannot wait to further see how Nocs continues to aid as a tool in the ways that I gather inspiration from the beauty world around me.

From the looks of it, you are constantly on an adventure or in nature. Can you tell us the most sublime moment you’ve experienced in the great outdoors?
I actually recently ended 2023 with a solo, 4 day expedition around northern and southern Texas; from up in the panhandle, through the Guadalupes, all the way down to Terlingua. And it was exactly what I needed to end the year, and prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for 2024.
If you could describe yourself as any creature or animal, what would it be?
My girlfriend actually had me take this five animal type personality test, and I resulted in ranking as an Otter. And I honestly didn't know whether to be happy or offended but it made sense, haha! I also thought I'd be something cooler and more sophisticated like a Komodo Dragon or something, but I’ll take whatever I can get. On my most recent trip in Texas, I actually spent quite a bit of time with the Bison up in Caprock Canyon, and I really resonated with their nature and makeup. Years ago, I also stumbled upon a mammal called a Capybara, and I think I resemble one of those more than an Otter, in my humble opinion.
Anything on your calendar that you’re looking forward to? We’d love to stay in touch! Where can we find you these upcoming months?
I have a lot of projects, campaigns, and partnerships this year that I am absolutely ecstatic about. Most notably I am doing some work with Ford in March, as well as being part of a new show for TBN, and I am a part of a project in conjunction with the National Parks Service this summer that I think will be really powerful for the BIPOC community. I am also in the works of building a non-profit here in Tennessee that fosters an inclusive outdoor environment, and curates experiences for those who want to get outside, but lack the means to.